Sunday, May 23, 2010

Good Morning Muffins

Here is a great recipe for muffins. This is a very very simple recipe and makes muffins that are fairly healthy. If I choose a muffin I always choose some dessert-like monstrosity. This makes something several steps up from the Jiffy mix type but not the dessert type either. Very good and I love that they are super quick and use items I have on hand!

1 3/4 cup flour
1/3 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 egg
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup oil

Mix dry ingredients, add wet ingredients and mix until just blended. Spoon into muffin cups.

Mix 2T brown sugar and 1t cinnamon & sprinkle on top.

Bake at 400F for 10mins.
Makes 10-12.

Oatmeal muffins: Use 1 1/3 cup flour and 3/4cups oats, add berries, sprinkle oatmeal on top (instead of sugar).

I made the oatmeal version so far and added banana and strawberries cut small. This increased my baking time a LOT. My oven also seems to have issues but just an FYI...if you add fruit watch for the tops to be golden brown and the centers to be toothpick set.

I gave Maddie one of these for breakfast this morning along with some fruit and she was in HEAVEN. I was amazed that she didn't make a bigger mess. I don't think she wanted to miss a crumb!

Update: I made the oatmeal versions again with raspberries. I didn't have to increase my cooking time as much this time around. Andrew liked those more. I think I would like to try blueberries or the original version. I doubled the recipe last time. I think these should be kept in the fridge to last longer. After a few days in Tupperware they started to smell sour. Whoops.

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